Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Best Days Series Intro

Everybody deserves to have at least one really good day each month. For that reason, I'm going to begin a series of post that will continue for the next twelve months entitled “best days.” They will come at the end of every month and will be a summary of what I deem as my best day each month. Some may seem exciting to you, others may seem boring, but either way they are my best days and not yours, so your opinion doesn't really matter.

I might post the best day when it happens and then expound on it later, or I might wait until the end of each month to tell you about it. There is even a chance that I might tell you about an event that is great, but then remember a moment of a day later and then convert that moment to my best day. Or I might not tell you about my actual best day at all. I might keep that day a secret and tell you about some other day instead.

The goal here is to remind us that best days aren't about what happens in twenty-four hours, but what happens in moments. Best days are about laughter, friendships and moments worth remembering. What's relevant is that we remember to create such moments.

So here's to you; and here's to me. Do something great each month.

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