Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Best Day: February: Mountain Bike to my Face

A new mountain bike came into my life this year and it would be safe to say we got off to a ruff start. On our maiden voyage while riding with a friend down at Canyon Lake I took a dinger. I had already crashed once pretty hard earlier in the day and was just starting to feel good again. Then while climbing slowly up a steep hill I sort of ran out of power and fell over. When I fell over, I remained clipped into the bicycle and the bike just came down on top of me and the handlebar hit me square in the face. We were a mere hundred yards from the end of the trail and the car.

A trip to the doc in a box, a few stitches to my eye (ouch) and six months later you can barely notice a scar.

Matt Hoffman the BMX rider who is credited with creating "Big Air" (see the ESPN movie "The Birth of Big Air), said once that he viewed his body similar to the way he viewed his bike. Like a piece of equipment that has replaceable parts and can be fixed. He also said that when he's old he hopes it's completely worn out and that he's used all of it.

I can say that in my 30s injuries seem to take longer to heel and if I don't crash again in 2011 I'll be just fine.

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